GW-INSTEK LCR-05ÃÂÃÂ Test Fixture for Axial & Radial Lead components Price kr 2.160* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-05AÃÂÃÂ Test Fixture for Axial & Radial Lead components (30 MHz) Price kr 13.560* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-06BÃÂÃÂ Test Lead with Kelvin clip (4 wire type) Price kr 1.512* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-07ÃÂÃÂ Test Lead with Alligator clip (2 wire type) Price kr 1.080* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-08AÃÂÃÂ Test Fixture (Tweezers) for SMD/Chip components Price kr 2.736* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-10A SMD / CHIP Bottom Electrode Test Fixture (30MHZ) Price kr 25.704* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-12 Kelvin measurement cable for LCR meters Price kr 4.284* Compare this item show product
GW-INSTEK LCR-15A Test Fixture for SMD/Chip components (30 MHz) Price kr 14.292* Compare this item show product
Keysight 16047A Test fixture for axial and radial leaded components Price Compare this item show product Stock Typically on stock
Keysight 16047E Test fixture for axial lead components Price Compare this item show product Stock Typically on stock