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Source Measure Units

Source Measure Units

The 2018, Rev 4 Keysight handbook describes how to evaluate accurate current, voltage, or capacitance measurement by explaining parametric measurement basic. Request it here:

The parametric Measurement Handbook, Rev 4

Keysight Source Measure Units
B2901B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 100 fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2901BL Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 1 pA resolution, 21 V, 1.5A
B2902B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 2 ch, 100 fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2910BL Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 10 fA resolution, 210 V, 1.5A
B2911B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 10 fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2912B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 2 ch, 10 fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
N1294A B2900A Series Precision Source/Measure Unit Accessories
N1295A Device/Component Test Fixture with 4 Triax Connectors
PZ2100A Precision Source/Measure Unit Mainframe, 4 slots, 1U
PZ2110A Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1.25 MSa/s, 10 fA, 210 V, 315 mA DC/pulse
PZ2120A Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 MSa/s, 100 fA, 60 V, 3.5 A DC/10.5 A pulse
PZ2121A Precision Source/Measure Unit, 15 MSa/s, 100 fA, 60 V, 3.5 A DC/10.5 A pulse
PZ2130A 5-ch Precision Source/Measure Unit, 100 pA, 30 V, 500 mA DC
PZ2131A 5-ch Precision Source/Measure Unit, 500 kSa/s, 10 pA, 30 V, 500 mA DC/pulse
N6705C DC Power Analyzer Mainframe
N6781A Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 2-Quadrant, 20 V, 1 A or 6 V, 3 A, 20 W
N6782A Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test, 2-Quadrant, 20 V/1 A or 6 V/3 A, 20 W
N6784A Source/Measure Unit, General Purpose, 4-Quadrant, 20 V/1 A or 6 V/3 A, 20 W
N6785A Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, multiple ranges, 80 W, dbl-wide
N6786A Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test, multiple ranges, 80 W, double-wide
ITECH Source Measure Units
IT2801 Graphical Source Measure Unit (1000 V, 1 A, 20W)
IT2805 Graphical Source Measure Unit (200 V, 1.5A, 20 W)
IT2806 Graphical Source Measure Unit (200 V, 3A DC/ 10A Pulse, 20 W)
IT2801R Graphical Source Measure Unit (1000 V, 1 A, 20W) with Triaxial Connector
IT2805R Graphical Source Measure Unit (200 V, 1.5A, 20 W) with Triaxial Connector
IT2806R Graphical Source Measure Unit (200 V, 3A DC/ 10A Pulse, 20 W) with Triaxial Connector
ITECH Bipolar Power Supplies
IT6402 Dual Channel and bipolar DC power supply, CH1: 12 W, +/-6 V, +/-2 A - CH2: 12 W, 6 V, +/-2 A
IT6411 Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 45 W, +/-5 V, +/-5 A
IT6411S Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 1.5 W, -15 V, +/-0.1 A
IT6412 Dual Channel and bipolar DC power supply, CH1: 45 W, +/-5V, +/-5A - CH2: 45 W, 15V, +/-5A
IT6412S Dual Channel and bipolar DC power supply, CH1: 45 W, +/-15 V, +/-5 A - CH2: 45 W, 15 V, +/-5 A
IT6431 Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 150 W, +/-15 V, +/-10 A
IT6432 Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 150 W, +/-30 V, +/-5 A
IT6432S Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 1.5 W, +/-30 V, +/-0.1 A
IT6433 Single Channel and bipolar DC power supply, 150 W, +/-60 V, +/-2.5 A
Keysight Electrometers and Femto/Picoamp Meters
B2981B Femto/Picoammeter, 0.01 fA
B2983B Femto/Picoammeter, 0.01 fA, Battery
B2985B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter, 0.01 fA, 1000 V
B2987B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter, 0.01 fA, 1000 V, Battery
N1410A Starter kit for B2985/B2987
Keysight Low Noise Sources
B2961B 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source, 32 W, 210 V, 3 A, 1 ch
B2962B 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source, 32 W, 210 V, 3 A, 2 ch
Keysight Power Device Analyzers and Semiconductor Testers
B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer Mainframe
B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer Mainframe
B1505AP Pre-configured Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer (B1505A w/ modules/fixture)
B1506A Power Device Analyzer for Circuit Design
PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double Pulse Tester
B2200A Femto Leakage Switch Mainframe
B2201A 14ch Low Leakage Switch Mainframe
E5250A Low Leakage Switch Mainframe
E5262A 2 Channel IV Analyzer / Source Monitor Unit (Two Medium Power SMUs)
E5263A 2 Channel IV Analyzer / Source Monitor Unit (High Power SMU, Medium Power SMU)
E5270B Precision IV Analyzer / 8 Slot Precision Measurement Mainframe
GW-INSTEK Source Measure Units
GSM-20H10 Programmable High Precision DC Source Measure Unit
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