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LCR Meters

LCR Meters

Keysight LCR Meters, Impedance Analyzers and Test Fixtures Selection Guide

Keysigt LCR Meters and C-Testers
Keysight E4980B 2 MHz Precision LCR Meter
Keysight E4980BL Precision LCR Meter
Keysight E4980A 2 MHz Precision LCR Meter
Keysight E4980AL Precision LCR Meter
Keysight E4981B Capacitance Meter
Keysight E4982A LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-6002 2 kHz Precision LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-6020 20 kHz Precision LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-6100 100 kHz Precision LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-6200 200 kHz Precision LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-6300 300 kHz Precision LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-8201 (CE) 10 Hz~1 MHz High-Frequency LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-8205 (CE) 10 Hz~5 MHz High-Frequency LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-8210 (CE) 10 Hz~10 MHz High-Frequency LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-8220 (CE) 10 Hz~20 MHz High-Frequency LCR Meter
GW-INSTEK LCR-8230 (CE) 10 Hz~30 MHz High-Frequency LCR Meter
Hioki LCR Meters and C-Testers
Hioki-3511-50 LCR HiTESTER
Hioki-IM3523 LCR METER, 40 Hz to 200 kHz
Hioki-IM3533 LCR METER, 1 mHz to 200 kHz
Hioki-IM3536 LCR METER, DC, or 4 Hz to 8 MHz
Hioki-IM3570 IMPEDANCE ANALYZER, 4 Hz to 5 MHz
Hioki-3504-40 C HiTESTER
Hioki-3506-10 C METER
Handheld LCR Meters and C-Testers
Keysight U1731C LCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100 Hz/120 Hz/1 KHz
Keysight U1731P Handheld LCR Meter U1731C combo kit
Keysight U1732C LCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100 Hz/120 Hz/1 KHz/10 KHz
Keysight U1732P Handheld LCR Meter U1732C combo kit
Keysight U1733C LCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100 Hz/120 Hz/1 KHz/10 KHz/100 KHZ
Keysight U1733P Handheld LCR Meter U1733C combo kit
Keysight U1701B Capacitance meter, handheld, 11000 count, dual display
GW-INSTEK LCR-1010 Handheld LCR Meter (50 Hz to 10 kHz)
GW-INSTEK LCR-1100 Handheld LCR Meter (50 Hz to 100 kHz)
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