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Omicron Bode 500 Vector Network Analyzer

Key Benefits of Bode 500

  • VNA & FRA in one device
  • Easy-to-use and intuitive software (Bode Analyzer Suite)
  • Easy data processing and data sharing
  • Highly accurate measurements
  • Calibration & repair service from manufacturer
  • Lightweight and portable hardware design without active cooling (silent lab)
  • Automation Interface (API) for automated measurements
  • Unbeatable price-performance ratio
  • High customer satisfaction


  • Stability of control circuits such as DC/DC converters in power supplies
  • Parasitics of passive components and circuit boards
  • Power-plane impedance for optimum decoupling
  • Reflection coefficient and return loss of filters, antennas or amplifiers
  • Ultrasonic and piezo electric devices
  • Resonance behavior of high Q-circuits like oscillating crystals
  • Resonance frequency and Q-factor of RFID and NFC tags and antennas
  • Complex gain of active and passive circuits
  • Complex impedance and admittance of active and passive devices
  • Swept S-parameters of electronic circuits and filters
  • Group delay characteristics

Key Features and Function

  • Wide frequency range from mHz to 450 MHz
  • Adjustable output level from -50 dBm to 16 dBm
  • Dynamic range: 120 dB (preliminary)
  • Adjustable shaped level (variable signal level) over frequency
  • Switchable channel input impedance (50 Ω / 1 MΩ)
  • Highly sensitive inputs (superheterodyne receiver with 24 bit ADCs)
  • Narrow-band receivers for highest noise rejection
  • Flexible hardware design offering several measurement modes
  • Fanless and therefore absolutely silent on your bench
  • Coaxial Cables and Adapters included. See below for product without accessories.

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The Bode 500 Solution

The Bode 500 is the most powerful analyzerfrom OMICRON Lab. Its ultra-wide frequency range enables precise measurements from 10 mHz* up to 450 MHz. 

The Bode 500 offers high linearity and a high dynamic range of > 120 dB to enable accurate vector network analysis, frequency response analysis, and impedance measurements. The switchable inputs provide 50 Ω termination and a high impedance setting with ac-coupled 1 MΩ for measurements on active systems and the use with external probes.

With 66 dB of dynamic range on the output and a maximum power level of 16 dBm, the analyzer offers enough signal injection power for loop gain and output impedance measurements on switching converters and power distribution networks (PDN). These capabilities make the Bode 500 the instrument of choice for power integrity verifications and loop stability measurements.

The Bode 500 consists of hardware and software. The high quality hardware ensures accurate measurement results in the wide frequency range from mHz to 450 MHz. Its portable and compact design enables you to test wherever you want. Due to the versatile system design, the Bode 500 works as three devices in one.

  1. Vector Network Analyzer
  2. Frequency Response Analyzer
  3. Impedance Analyzer

Bode Analyzer Suite

You can fully control the Bode 500 via the Bode Analyzer Suite (BAS). The BAS is an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface, which is included in the Bode 500 delivery. It allows you to control the Bode 500 hardware from your Windows PC. The BAS helps you to quickly measure and analyze your device under test. In addition, it offers great functions to save, document and share your measurement results.

Measurement Modes

Bode Analyzer Suite You can fully control the Bode 500 via the Bode Analyzer Suite (BAS). The BAS is an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface, which is included in the Bode 500 delivery. It allows you to control the Bode 500 hardware from your Windows PC. The BAS helps you to quickly measure and analyze your device under test. In addition, it offers great functions to save, document and share your measurement results.

Measurement Modes

The Bode Analyzer Suite offers pre-defined measurement modes for quick configuration of the Bode 500 hardware. Impedance measurements from mΩ to MΩ are supported in Shunt-Thru and Series-Thru configuration.


To understand and optimize your system under test, the BAS offers all kind of chart formats, like Smith, Polar, Nyquist and Bode plots. You can extract all required results and parameters from your measurements using a great variety of analysis features & manipulate your data using mathematical expressions

* Currently 1 Hz, extension in future software versions.

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The Bode 500 Solution

The Bode 500 is the most powerful analyzerfrom OMICRON Lab. Its ultra-wide frequency range enables precise measurements from 10 mHz* up to 450 MHz. 

The Bode 500 offers high linearity and a high dynamic range of > 120 dB to enable accurate vector network analysis, frequency response analysis, and impedance measurements. The switchable inputs provide 50 Ω termination and a high impedance setting with ac-coupled 1 MΩ for measurements on active systems and the use with external probes.

With 66 dB of dynamic range on the output and a maximum power level of 16 dBm, the analyzer offers enough signal injection power for loop gain and output impedance measurements on switching converters and power distribution networks (PDN). These capabilities make the Bode 500 the instrument of choice for power integrity verifications and loop stability measurements.

The Bode 500 consists of hardware and software. The high quality hardware ensures accurate measurement results in the wide frequency range from mHz to 450 MHz. Its portable and compact design enables you to test wherever you want. Due to the versatile system design, the Bode 500 works as three devices in one.

  1. Vector Network Analyzer
  2. Frequency Response Analyzer
  3. Impedance Analyzer

Bode Analyzer Suite

You can fully control the Bode 500 via the Bode Analyzer Suite (BAS). The BAS is an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface, which is included in the Bode 500 delivery. It allows you to control the Bode 500 hardware from your Windows PC. The BAS helps you to quickly measure and analyze your device under test. In addition, it offers great functions to save, document and share your measurement results.

Measurement Modes

Bode Analyzer Suite You can fully control the Bode 500 via the Bode Analyzer Suite (BAS). The BAS is an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface, which is included in the Bode 500 delivery. It allows you to control the Bode 500 hardware from your Windows PC. The BAS helps you to quickly measure and analyze your device under test. In addition, it offers great functions to save, document and share your measurement results.

Measurement Modes

The Bode Analyzer Suite offers pre-defined measurement modes for quick configuration of the Bode 500 hardware. Impedance measurements from mΩ to MΩ are supported in Shunt-Thru and Series-Thru configuration.


To understand and optimize your system under test, the BAS offers all kind of chart formats, like Smith, Polar, Nyquist and Bode plots. You can extract all required results and parameters from your measurements using a great variety of analysis features & manipulate your data using mathematical expressions

* Currently 1 Hz, extension in future software versions.

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